Alberta has strict rules and regulations for portable toilets and sinks, and anyone operating a job site or hosting an outdoor event must know what is required. Generally, the regulations come from Alberta Health Services guidelines or the province Occupational Health and Safety Code.

Here, we’ll unpack what you need to know and outline how we can help while providing a checklist you can use to ensure your event or work site meets the province’s requirements.

Alberta Health & Safety Requirements

Following health and safety requirements isn’t just about feeling good yourself. It also stops the spread of germs, keeping others safe. Before we provide the health and safety checklist, let’s go over the requirements for portable toilets and handwashing stations at job sites and outdoor events in Alberta.

Job Sites

A FenceLine truck lowers a porta potty onto a construction site

Portable Toilets

If you’re running a work site of any kind, toilets need to be provided for workers. For many outdoor job sites, portable toilets are the best option.

Alberta’s occupational health and safety code requires a minimum number of toilets for each sex:

  • 1-10 Workers: A minimum of one toilet
  • 11-25 workers: A minimum of two toilets
  • 26-50: A minimum of three toilets
  • 51-75: A minimum of four toilets
  • 76-100: A minimum of five toilets
  • More than 100 workers: Six toilets, plus one more for each additional 30 workers

Use our portable toilet calculator to determine how many you’ll need for your site.

Portable Sinks

Handwashing stations are required on job sites in Alberta, and the province’s occupational health and safety code insists that at least one sink be provided if there is a toilet. In addition, at least one more sink must be provided for every two additional toilets.

Outdoor Events

A row of FenceLine porta potties

Portable Toilets

Alberta Health Services generally recommends one toilet for every 100 people at an outdoor event, but it can depend on a number of different factors including the duration of the event, whether alcohol is being served and whether there are other options for restrooms available.

Fenceline Rentals Ltd. has a portable toilet calculator that can help you figure out how many you’ll require based on the specifics of your event.

Portable Sinks

Alberta Health Services recommends providing two handwashing stations for every 10 toilets. They must be:

  • Stocked with soap and paper towel in suitable dispenser
  • Working and operational
  • Maintained in a clean and sanitary way

Portable sinks should be placed as near as possible to any portable toilets, as well as near anywhere where staff are doing food preparation.

Your Health & Safety Checklist for Events & Job Sites

Now that you know about the health and safety requirements for portable toilets and sinks in Alberta, here’s a checklist to make sure your event or job site meets them.

unchecked Do you have enough washrooms?

Alberta has strict requirements for the minimum number of toilets required for an event. Estimating the number of people working on your job site or attending your event and then using our online calculator to rent our safe, warm, and industry-leading portable toilets is a good start.

Also, consider whether alcohol will be served at your event or whether the workers on your job site will have access to other facilities throughout the day. 

unchecked Have you secured enough handwashing stations?

Handwashing stations shouldn’t be an afterthought. They’re a vital part of keeping an event and job site clean and sanitary.

Fenceline Rentals Ltd. offers four different portable handwashing stations that will meet the requirements of any job site or event. They are built with durable materials that ensure the sinks will continue to function even during the darkest, coldest days of the Alberta winter.

FenceLine’s portable sinks don’t require plumbing and come with quick mounts for soap, towels, and hand sanitizer.

unchecked Do you have a maintenance plan?

Regulations in Alberta require that if a toilet is a self-contained unit like a portable toilet, it needs to be emptied and serviced at regular intervals to ensure the unit does not overflow. Whether you’re an employer operating a job site or an organizer of an outdoor event, it’s important to have a plan.

When you rent one of FenceLine’s portable toilets, you will experience customizable cleaning schedules and on-site pump-outs, cleanings, and restockings.

Securing portable toilets isn’t enough. You also need to ensure they remain sanitary and clean for the duration of your event or that work is being done on your job site.

unchecked Do you have cleaning equipment?

Keeping your portable toilets clean and appealing to use for guests or workers is critical, and there are a number of things you can do to make sure they look, feel, and smell the way they should

Regular cleaning and maintenance is the most important thing, but ensuring you have enough hygiene products can also help. Some products on the market will help control the odour that can make using a portable toilet unappealing. Most of these products feature biocides, dyes, fragrances, and surfactants. Our team at FenceLine Rentals Ltd. will be happy to offer recommendations.

uncheckedDo you have a waste management plan?

This may seem unrelated to portable toilets and sinks, but having litter and garbage scattered around a job site or an outdoor event can create an unsanitary environment. If the area around a portable toilet is unclean, why would anyone believe that the portable toilet itself is well-maintained?

Making sure you have the right waste bins and recycling bins will help you maintain a clean appearance and will encourage guests at your event or workers at your job site to be respectful of the facility.

Take Care of Your Health & Safety Needs with FenceLine

Two porta potties and a portable handwash station

Fenceline Rentals Ltd. has top-quality, hardy portable toilets and handwashing stations for rent across Alberta that will ensure your employees and guests feel safe, comfortable, and clean. All of our portable toilets and sinks meet Alberta’s health and safety standards.

For more information about how Fenceline Rentals Ltd. can help on your job site or at your event, call us at (782)825-5060 in Edmonton or (587)864-5607 in Calgary.